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Induction Training Courses

Code Content Course duration
ZP 111-1 Tack-welding - MMA - coated electrode 1 week
ZP 131-1 Tack-welding - MIG - melting electrode in shielding gas 1 week
ZP 135-1 Tack-welding - MAG - melting electrode in shielding gas 1 week
ZP 141-1 Tack-welding - TIG 1 week
ZP 15 -2 Plasma cutting and grooving 1 week
ZP 311-1 Flame tack-welding 1 week
ZP 311-2 Oxygen cutting and grooving 1 week
ZP 311-3 Flame straightening 1 week
ZP 311-4 Flame thermo-processing 1 week
ZP 311-5 Flame pre-heating 1 week

Courses end with theory exams and practical tests. Successful participants are licenced and obtain qualification certificate valid for two years that entitles them to work for the employer who sent them to the training.

Extension of validity of the certificate is possible upon additional training and examination in safety standards (CSN 050601, 050610, 050630) in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic No. 87/2000 Coll.; ČSN 050705, and TP A 034 of the Czech Welding Society CWS ANB.

For more information on prices, terms and applications, contact us, please.

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